You haven't seen her in awhile, but here she is! Goldie has discovered that she likes to take pictures of herself. So much so, that when I went to use my camera, it flashed MEMORY CARD FULL!! When I looked through the pictures to delete some and decide which to download to the computer, it was full of Goldie and cats! Aside from herself, she likes to take pictures of Ike and Tina, our brother and sister cats. Ike made his way into one of the pictures. I'll admit they're cute, but you'd think they were actually doing something for her to have taken so many pictures. She even took pictures of herself while pretending to sleep because she wanted to see what she looks like. Finally, I had to delete them down to about 50. These are some of my favorites. I'd like her to show a little teeth! In most of these pictures, she looks like the Cheshire Cat.
By the way, Goldie just celebrated 4 years in locks. She loves them, but mostly likes to freestyle. She almost never lets me even give her a braid out. Lucky she has locks because she can just wash and go!