We’ve almost finalized plans for the annual Philadelphia Locks Conference and you can check here to take a look at the many activities scheduled.
Also, this is your opportunity to vote for the restaurant that we’ll attend after the conference. I’ve included their websites so you can take a look at the menus before making a selection. The final decision will be made by a majority vote. Voting will be open effective with this message until Sunday, September 30. You can vote by sending me an email through this blog or by sending me an email through one of the discussion boards.
Also, this is your opportunity to vote for the restaurant that we’ll attend after the conference. I’ve included their websites so you can take a look at the menus before making a selection. The final decision will be made by a majority vote. Voting will be open effective with this message until Sunday, September 30. You can vote by sending me an email through this blog or by sending me an email through one of the discussion boards.
The choices are:

Note: prices aren’t listed on this menu, but most dishes range between $4 and $8 and since this is a Spanish tapas bar (appetizers), most people order 2 or 3 selections.

Once the votes are tallied, I'll post the selected restaurant to the discussion boards, my blog and by personal email to all who sent me one.
The tentative plan is to meet at the conference on Saturday, October 6 at around 2pm (but feel free to come earlier or later as your schedule dictates). The location of the Locks Conference is 910 North 6th Street at the Walter D. Palmer Leadership Learning Partnership Charter School. At about 6:15pm, we’ll start rounding up everyone and caravan to the restaurant (which won’t be too far from the conference for everyone’s convenience). The restaurant reservation will be for 7pm.
Please don’t miss your opportunity to attend the ultimate locks event of the year in the Philly area! I’m hoping to see everyone who came last year and some new faces too!
Please don’t miss your opportunity to attend the ultimate locks event of the year in the Philly area! I’m hoping to see everyone who came last year and some new faces too!
See you all soon!
damn Damn DAMN James!
Have fun for me! Something told me to check my calendar before I told my friend what weekends I was available.
poo poo
Cluizel - Girl, you might have to ditch him! Or bring him along! It's going to be bigger and badder.
Great post thank yyou
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