Renee is still up to her tricks. How insulting was it that she told Whitney that she didn’t think she could be a top model because she’s plus size? And it was no less rude even if she qualified it first by saying how unfair she thought it was. Apparently Jael will have some choice words for her next episode.
I almost died when Sarah won the challenge by accepting credit for putting together the outfit that won. So where was the reward for the team effort? And why did Whitney plop herself down on the floor?
I’m so glad Dionne stepped it up, especially at judging. Her hair looked good combed back. So again, why doesn’t anyone have anything to say about Natasha’s so-not-a-model look in judging? That hair was back up in a ponytail. But I guess if she left it out, she’d look too much like Roseanne Roseannadanna.
Special Segment of the Week -- Separated at Birth

And much as I hate Natasha, she was hilarious doing her hip-hop impersonation! Other than that, I wouldn't go out with any of them thinking they were men!
Unfortunately, I'm going to be away next week and I'll miss the next episode. Who's going to do color commentary for me???